[:ja]~Series③~京都の秋、紅葉にお勧め!「蓮華寺」!瑠璃光院とセットでぜひ![:en]~Series③~ Kyoto’s autumn, we recommend “Rengeji Temple”! and must have the set with Rurikoin to visit![:]





★~Series①~ 京都の秋に、金閣寺へ! はこちら★





門をくぐると、参道を囲むように、美しい黄金と赤のコントラストのみごとな紅葉が目の前に迫ります。 訪れる時期によってはイチョウの黄色が勝っていたり、カエデ/紅葉の赤が勝っていたりと、何度か訪れても、その都度違った色合いの景色が楽しめます。 寺院ですが、敷地内に鳥居があり、鳥居と紅葉の景色を楽しむこともできます。

このお寺のお庭は「石川丈山作」という池泉観賞式のお庭となっています。 庭を見渡せる書院に座り、まるで絵葉書のような、池に映る紅葉を眺めることができます。

ゆっくりと紅葉を楽しみたい方は、ぜひ蓮華寺を訪れてみてください。 素敵なゆったりした、あなただけの時間を楽しむことができますよ!

[:en]We introduce about tourist spots of autumn’s Kyoto that we recommended from the other day.


★~Series①~ Let`s go to Golden temple in Autumn!!★

★~Series②~A well-kept-secret red leave place in Kyoto is “Anrakuji-temple“


This time, we would like to introduce about “Rengeji Temple”!

7 minutes walk from Miyake-Hachiman Station on Eizan train. Rengeji Temple is a small temple on the way to Mt. Hiei and Ohara.
Then you have to walk by 20 minutes on foot, and you can find the popular spot of Rurikoin Temple.

As you pass through the gate, maple leaves with beautiful golden and red contrasts close in front of you as you surround the approach. Depending on the time of you visiting, the yellow color of Ginkgo may be better, the maple / red foliage may be better, and even if you visit several times, you can enjoy the different color scenery each time. Although it is a temple, but there is a torii in the site, and you can also enjoy the view of the torii and maple leaves.

The garden of this temple is an ornamental pound’s courtyard called “Ishikawa Jozan”.
You can sit in the Shoin overlooking the garden and it’s like the postcard that you can look at the maple leaves reflected in the pond.

If you would like to enjoy the fall colors slowly, please visit Rengeji Temple.
It’s really a nice place for relaxing, also can enjoy your own time in there!
