雖然這間連鎖店大家不至於太陌生,但在正式介紹菜單之前,不免俗的還是要來簡單介紹一下Hard Rock Cafe。
Hard Rock Cafe是由2位在英國倫敦的美國青年創始于1971年6月14日,由於思念漢堡等的美食食品而創立。
Hard Rock Cafe Kyoto的外觀走的是低調奢華路綫,只有一面小小的旗子,不仔細看還真的是會錯過。
接下來終於要來介紹正題Hard Rock Cafe Kyoto的菜單了!
Hard Rock Cafe Kyoto吸引人的地方就在於他的菜單是「中西合并」。
Hard Rock Cafe Kyoto簡單來説就是高CP值的餐廳。
無論你是在地人或是身爲游客都一定不能錯過!![:en]Today we would like to introduce you a restaurant opened from July,2019.
It is called Hard Rock Cafe Kyoto.
Hard Rock Cafe is a chain restaurant founded in 1971 in London.
They opened a new restaurant in Kyoto-Gion area .
No matter if you are a huge fan of Hard Rock Cafe collecting their tshirt or you do not have enough money to fly to the State ,
in here , Hard Rock Cafe Kyoto , you can easily have an“American dream”.
If you take a look from outside , you might hardly noticed , because they only have a tiny flag of Hard Rock Cafe logo printed.
When you go inside , it is a shop(the restaurant in on the 2nd floor) they sale cups , accessories, hats , tshirt … almost everything.
Now let`s talk about the menu.
I would say the menu of Hard Rock Cafe Kyoto is the perfect mix of East and West.
They not only have the burgers , sandwich , pasta but the Sushi and ice cream with Macha power and black soybean.
I ordered this pasta with 2 pieces of garlic bread. The cheese is very tasty, rich enough but not too much.
The BBQ chicken tastes good too , but the most important thing is it makes you full.
I have heard many times people saying when you order food in Japan you only get a little bit ,
but in here , Hard Rock Cafe Kyoto , you might not have such problem.
In conclusion , Hard Rock Cafe Kyoto is a special place where has many different options for food and well located.
After finishing the meal you can also walk around Gion area ,and visit the shrine nearby.
No matter you are here for travel or you live here , why not go and give it a try ?