[:ja]6月の京都は紫陽花/アジサイ!宇治にある三室戸寺へ[:en]One thing you could definitely do in Kyoto – in June – is to visit sightseeing spots to see hydrangea! @UJI[:]



[:ja]6月の京都のおすすめは、「紫陽花/アジサイ」を見に京都の観光名所に行くことです。特に、宇治にある「三室戸寺」の紫陽花は、50種・約1万株ほどの色鮮やかな紫陽花畑が広がり、素晴らしい景観です。 あじさいの名所として有名で、『あじさい寺』とも称されています。また、三室戸寺は紫陽花だけでなく、4-5月のシャクナゲ、ツツジ、6月のアジサイ、7月にハス、秋の紅葉と、四季折々の花が楽しめるため、「花の寺」とも称されています。



この紫陽花の光景は、まさに咲き乱れるという表現がピッタリ!多種多彩なあじさいが視界いっぱいに広がります。 三室戸寺のあじさいは関西屈指の規模です。近年話題になっているのは「ハートマークのあじさい」です。「青のハートあじさいを見つければ願い事が叶う」、「ピンクのハートあじさいを見つけると恋愛が叶う」と言われています! 恋愛成就に効くと言われるハートのあじさいが、毎年どこかに咲いています。今年はどこに咲くか、気になりますね!


【三室戸寺 あじさい園の開園】
拝観料:大人800円 小人400円


・絵具、イーゼル等を使用して絵を描くことは禁止しております。[:en]One thing you could definitely do in Kyoto – in June – is to visit sightseeing spots to see hydrangea. Mimuroto-ji temple, in Uji-city, is partcularly known for a place to see hydrangea. The sight of fifty species of hydrangea in the temple is spectacular. Mimuroto-ji temple is also called by the name “Ajisai-dera (literal translation: hydrangea temple) “. Other than hydrangea, you could also see rhododendron, azalea, lotus, and fallen leaves during other times of a year. Since we could enjoy the sights of seasonal flowers and trees at the temple, we also call it “the temple of flowers”.

The history of Mimuroto-ji temple dates back to 1200 years ago. It is told that the temple was built back in 770AD.  You could find a stone statue referred in the bestseller romance from the Heian period (roughly about 1000 years ago), “The Tales of Genji”. The main building of Mimuroto-ji temple was built in 1805 and is the tenth temple of the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage.

Once you enter the gate, you will find yourself surrounded by colorful flowers. As you proceed towards the main building, you are greeted by the statues of rabbits, snakes, and a bull. They are thought to bring people good luck or monetary fortune.

Various full-bloom hydrangea together make up a magnificent sight! The scale of the garden is quite impressive too.  The “heart-shaped hydrangea” seems to be attracting travelers in the recent years. It is said that the blue ones make your wish come true and the pink ones bring you romantic luck . The heart-shaped hydrangea blooms every year. We’re wondering where we could find them this year!

You could also visit the Phoenix Hall of Byodo-in, also located in Uji. The Phoenix Hall is very famous, as it portrayed on the 10-yen coin. Please visit and explore what Uji, Kyoto has to offer in June!

【Mimuroto-ji Temple’s Hydrangea Garden】
Duration:Saturday, June 1st, 2019~Sunday, July 7th, 2019
Opening hours:8:30~16:30
Fee:800 yen per adult, 400 yen per children

Access route:15 minute walk from Keihan Railway Mimuroto station.

・No eating, no drinking
・No smoking
・No photos (using the tripod)
・No pets
・No painting (using paints and easels, etc. )[:]